

Insights on transformation

Opinions and perspectives from our decision-makers on all things digital transformation.


Insights on transformation

Opinions and perspectives from our decision-makers on all things digital transformation.
February 3, 2016

Don’t reach out for your wallet – How mobile has forever changed the way we spend our money

It’s just a matter of time before mobile payment gains traction with all brick and mortar stores; and mobile payment options see mainstream adoption. This adoption will be driven by demand from the consumers.
November 26, 2015

Enterprise mobility: What would you spend to prove viability?

Technology evolution in the mobility space is happening at an unprecedented pace. An enterprise embracing the mobile channel as a core mode of engagement for its customers, employees and partners will realize these benefits effectively.
September 4, 2015

SmartMOBILE for Utilities: An industry template for Electric, Gas and Water Utilities

We are proud to introduce our smartMOBILE for Utilities solution. This solution provides 3 layers for a mobile application (Functional, Integration and Data), which work to deliver a comprehensive set of functionality to the customers’ smartphones.
September 4, 2015

Desperate for differentiation

It's important to differentiate and highlight how your product, service or solution is better (or different) than your competition.In the fiercely competitive and fast moving world of Telecom, the differentiation between players is fast eroding.
September 4, 2015

Who needs the Web? Enable your enterprise on mobile

Over the next several years, mobility will change drastically – the technology evolution in smart devices, the growth of tablets and increased affordability will allow user adoption of smart devices to exceed feature phones globally.
September 4, 2015

Mobile OS Platforms rule – Apps must allow deeper OS Integration

OS platforms will continue to become more real time and integrated to provide everyday features for users.
September 4, 2015

Enterprise Mobility: The Whole 9 Yards

Deploying enterprise process(es) on a secure and reliable mobile channel accessible to employees, customers and/or partners, enabled through a app or browser without the need for the user to use anything else but their smartphone or a tablet device.
September 4, 2014

Automation of Mobile Testing – Innovation or a necessity?

We built a solution that will drive adoption of the mobile app, thereby allowing Utility companies to gain a better handle on usage patterns, generate customer and regional usage profile, and ultimately offer valuable input into generation.